Long story short, 30 of the lil crazies are all painted up and ready to rumble. I showed a few to a friend and he commented on the nice red color and shading. Might be hard to tell from these photos but I worked to shade deep shadows in areas and bright red highlights.
I figured I would post up the steps I used to paint my Khorne Berserkers in case anyone was interested in trying it on their units.
Step 1: Prime the units black. White primer might change the color slightly, all mine were done in black primer though so I cannot test a mini yet to see if the primer would change the color any.
Step 2: Base coat the models in Foundation Mechrite Red.
Step 3: Use Delvan Mud wash to shade the shadows on your model. I also used it around the boots and on lower pieces of armor to show wear and fading. Also on the underside of arms and shoulder pads.
Step 4: Mix 1/3rd Blood Red to 2/3rds Baal Red Wash. Then lightly brush this over areas to create highlighted patches from a light source.
Step 5: Paint the Berserker trim using Brazen Brass.
Step 6: Thin down Burnished Gold with water, about a 50/50 ratio. Then apply it to the areas on the trim you want to highlight. Usually around the same areas that you added the Blood Red wash.
Step 7: Use Gryphonne Sepia wash and cover the trim and red areas on the model. This helps the trim shine and gives some depth to any red areas.
Then paint the rest of the model as you see fit. This method would also work well on other red units like Blood Angels. Without all the trim that Khorne Berserkers have, Blood Angels would be a quick process and would really add some pop to the models. Enjoy!