Sunday, October 25, 2009

Khufor and P3 - How I love thee!

So I have collected a huge amount of Forge World models and started to assemble/paint them. The first was the below model: Lord Zhufor the Impaler.

I loved this model and with my obession with anything khorne related I decided I must have him. After cleaning and assembling the model I primed it and then set about painting him. I was about to pick up my old trusty paints when my Girlfriend decided she wanted to head down to the local game store to pick up some more miniatures for herself to paint. I wandered around the paint area and was looking at the Privateer Press P3 paints. On a whim decided to pick up a couple shades of red and try them on the Zhufor model. Boy am I glad I did, after the first night of painting I went back to the store and bought an arm full of P3 paints. I love the way they blend and cover.

Anyways, on to the model. here are some shots I took of the finished Lord Khufor model. The resin allows for so much detail and I really enjoyed painting him.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Marked for Termination

This is a unit I finished awhile ago, but only now had time to photograph. A 5 man terminator squad complete with an Aspiring Champion, Reaper Autocannon, Chain Fist, and a Power Fist. I tosse din a couple Combi Meltas for added measure. This is my take all comers squad. Some ranged support from the reaper autocannon with the combi meltas for backup if they get close to something big. and in close combat they have the power fist and chain fist for big armor.






And a full squad photo....

Squad Amber

I wanted my army to all be the same color armor wise, so all the tanks and troops have a matching scheme. I plan to change the color of each units shoulder pads to help tell them apart and add some color so each unit does not look the same as the last. Here is Squad Amber, worshipers of Tzeentch. Its a 10 man unit with Icon of Tzeentch, Melta Gun and an Aspiring Champion with a Power Fist.

Here is are shots of the unit as a whole.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

> Daemon

Finally pictures of my Chaos Greater Daemon. I have had this painted for awhile now but finally got around to posting it. The model kit comes frm the Lord of the Rings line by GW. I was looking for a Greater Daemon for my Chaos army and was having trouble finding anything I liked. While at the local game store with a friend I was browsing the shelves. She pointed to this model and said there is a daemon that looks cool. I have always like the Balrog from the Lord of the Rings movies, and when I think of a daemon, I think of a huge, flaming, winged monster and this fits the bill!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Long Live the Prince!

My Daemon Prince is one of my favorite models that I never get a chance to play. He was one of the first models I got and painted for my chaos army. With all the neat characters and models and covnersions I have done, sadly he get set aside for other HQ units in many games. He spends a lot of time sitting on my shelf while Kharn gets to ride around in my rhino with alll his berserker friends.

So I decided I need to use my Daemon Prince more and get him in some games. One thing that kept me from using him is the fact that he is all metal and I have not had a chance to varnish him with some matte varnish. The paint tends to chip during games or in transporting the metal models if you are not careful and varnish will help keep that paint lasting longer. With the bad winter weather here in Rochester, I had not had time to take him outside and spray him with some varnish. Well finally I had a nice weekend with the chance to varnish my Daemon Prince. I headed down tot he game store to do some priming and painting and I brought him along. I laid out my models on a table and my primer and clear coat etc. That was my mistake.

While I was chatting with fellow gamers and comparing models and swapping tales I grabbed my Daemon prince and what I thought was the varnish. I went outside to prime and shook up my varnish and started to apply the first coat to the model. Out of the nozzel spewed a fine mist of white primer. I stopped as quickly as I could, but not before the whole front of my Daemon Prince was covered in a nice white haze of primer.

I had to bring in my poor Daemon prince back in and face the gasps and groans of my fellow players, who all have probably done this at one point. So I went home that night and restarted touching up the Daemon Prince so here he is, repainted, and this time varished with actual clear coat.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Berserkers Done!

I had been slacking in the Khorne department lately. Out of my 40 Primed Khorne Berserkers I only had 10 painted. I knew I needed to step up and finish a few more units, but these guys take time if you want to do them right. All that trim, chains and bullets they carry around add up to some major detail when you working a big group of them. I was scheduled to work from home with week with a support pager and my laptop in case any IT groups needed my help. While I was getting paged a lot, it did give me some time to sit down and work on these guys.

Long story short, 30 of the lil crazies are all painted up and ready to rumble. I showed a few to a friend and he commented on the nice red color and shading. Might be hard to tell from these photos but I worked to shade deep shadows in areas and bright red highlights.

I figured I would post up the steps I used to paint my Khorne Berserkers in case anyone was interested in trying it on their units.

Step 1: Prime the units black. White primer might change the color slightly, all mine were done in black primer though so I cannot test a mini yet to see if the primer would change the color any.

Step 2: Base coat the models in Foundation Mechrite Red.

Step 3: Use Delvan Mud wash to shade the shadows on your model. I also used it around the boots and on lower pieces of armor to show wear and fading. Also on the underside of arms and shoulder pads.

Step 4: Mix 1/3rd Blood Red to 2/3rds Baal Red Wash. Then lightly brush this over areas to create highlighted patches from a light source.

Step 5: Paint the Berserker trim using Brazen Brass.

Step 6: Thin down Burnished Gold with water, about a 50/50 ratio. Then apply it to the areas on the trim you want to highlight. Usually around the same areas that you added the Blood Red wash.

Step 7: Use Gryphonne Sepia wash and cover the trim and red areas on the model. This helps the trim shine and gives some depth to any red areas.

Then paint the rest of the model as you see fit. This method would also work well on other red units like Blood Angels. Without all the trim that Khorne Berserkers have, Blood Angels would be a quick process and would really add some pop to the models. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Building a Better Hellhammer

There is a large Apocalypse game coming up at my local game store. Chaos against Imperials in an extreme city battle titled "Winter Assault". I have been working on city terrain and boards for the upcoming event including a huge 2' x 4' spaceport terrain piece. I decided that I better get a start on any big units I planned to bring, since all models are to be fully painted for this event.

My girlfriend was kind enough to feed my hobby over Christmas so I am the proud owner of Imperial Guard Baneblade kit. Since this will be for my Chaos army, and the last thing my Chaos would do is stand back, I made the kit into a Hellhammer for some up close and personal firepower. After purchasing the extra sponson kit from GW, I started assembly and de-imperializing the tank. I scraped eagles and whatnot off the kit and added more Chaos bits. I am currently working on giving the tank some battle damage.

One thing I like is having options with my lists and models. Those of you who have seen my other tanks know I also love magnets. So I wanted to use my magnets to allow me to swap and add or remove the extra side sponsons. Since you have the option of using the standard sponson load out, adding 2 more for a total of 4, or removing them all together and upgrading the side armor, I knew I would need to be able to add and remove all the side sponsons. So using a Dremel and a few small magnets I was able to convert the side weapons. The GW kit is actually very easy to change with these magnets. below you can see that there really is not much cutting needed to make this work.

With all the side sposons magnetized and even extra flat armor ready in case I wanted to do without, the tank should be ready soon for some primer and scab red paint.