Saturday, July 30, 2011

Howling Griffons up for Auction

A good friend of mine James has been working hard this last year to buy, assemble and paint a Space Marines army. This army looks fantastic! It has been his major project for over 8 months and after you look at the models and imagine all the time he spent painting the army... remember it's all done for Charity. He has done all this and is now selling the army as a 100% charity auction for Ohanamalu Tae Kwon Do.

Ohanamalu is a Martial Arts Center for at-risk children in West Buffalo NY. For only $1 a class they give children a place to learn and grow in a safe environment. James purchased and started painting this army with the hopes that he could sell it to help provide the much needed supplies that are required in running a full time Tae Kwon Do academy.

For more information visit:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Shadow Knows

The Imperial Guard Shadowsword - its a formidable foe on the battlefield. Playing Chaos Space Marines, it seems the "good" guys always seem to have plenty of Imperial armor rolling around on their side of the game table. In an Apocalypse 40k game, you want a couple of these bad boys on your side. Their 96" Destroyer Strength main cannon can reach out and touch someone.

So what would happen if after a battle, my Chaos Marines were able to get their hands on one of these bad boys?

That's the idea behind this tank. The Imperial Army's pride and joy fallen into the hands of my traitor troops. Chaos Marines are not to neat and tidy so I figured this tank would have seen better days. A few coats of wash and some rust later... I had a beaten up tank that looked like it had seen some battles. Now my Chaos troops would want their enemy to know just who they were fighting. I needed something that would set this tank apart from all the others that might be in a huge Apocalypse battle. What better then an 8 point chaos star? Using the tank's entire hull as a canvas I free handed a huge star across it. It covered the top and extended down the sides of the tank with its longest point reaching all the way to the front.

There! Now people know who they are messing with. Glory to Chaos!

Strike from the sky!

Myself and a group of my friends have been working on a Deathwatch RPG campaign. This of course gave us an excuse to glue up and paint some cool models. Deathwatch Marines are clad in black power armor, which can be a challenge to get right. Since the model is black you seem to lack the detail and shading that other colors provide. What I needed was a test marine to practice my black armor painting before starting on the real deal.

Enter the Space Marine Jump Pack Chaplain! Chaplains are also fond of black armor and since I had never painted this model before, he seemed the perfect test mule. The model was primed in black and then I went over him with a couple thin coats of Chaos Black. Once that was dry I blended a few layers of P3 Exile Blue to add some depth to the black. Then I finished up the blue with a small highlight of Skull White.

I feel the blue added to the black basecoat really give the armor a rich color. Its not just flat and plain anymore and the highlights along the ridges and where the natural light would hit finish off the effect. Hope you all enjoy it!