Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chaos Reaver Titan

Its been awhile since my last update, but that's not due to lack of material. My camera bit the dust leaving me high and dry with no way to capture any new minis painted. Now I have a nice new camera and I am back in action. First up is my Chaos Reaver Titan. Here are some work in progress photos. This truly is a great kit from Forge World. It took awhile to assemble and is taking even longer to paint, but it will be worth it in the end. I painted all the armor plates with a blend from red to Scab Red to try and stay true to my army's color scheme.

There is a lot of detail that needs to be painted, but I hope to move quickly now that the red parts have been completed. Its all metal trim and cables from here on out. The missile launcher on the top is missing the missiles since they have not been primed but the arms have been magnetized and and primed for painting next. I hope to have it completed by labor Day for a big Apocalypse Game, so stay tuned.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Children of the Khorne

After Painting up my Zhufor the Impaler model from Forge World, I had to snag a set of the Khorne Terminator upgrades. I combined the Forge World torsos, heads and shoulder pads with the Games Workshop legs and arms. The Bases are custom resin bases from Dark Arts Miniatures and I highly recommend them. After using these bases my friends and I have purchases many more sets. They are a great price and have great detail and quality.

This unit of Terminators will form the bodyguard for Zhufor the Impaler. I painted them using the P3 paints from Privateer Press and mixed with GW paints. The Banner I added so server as an Icon of Khorne for the unit and also to display the Black Hand Army symbol.