Sunday, October 25, 2009

Khufor and P3 - How I love thee!

So I have collected a huge amount of Forge World models and started to assemble/paint them. The first was the below model: Lord Zhufor the Impaler.

I loved this model and with my obession with anything khorne related I decided I must have him. After cleaning and assembling the model I primed it and then set about painting him. I was about to pick up my old trusty paints when my Girlfriend decided she wanted to head down to the local game store to pick up some more miniatures for herself to paint. I wandered around the paint area and was looking at the Privateer Press P3 paints. On a whim decided to pick up a couple shades of red and try them on the Zhufor model. Boy am I glad I did, after the first night of painting I went back to the store and bought an arm full of P3 paints. I love the way they blend and cover.

Anyways, on to the model. here are some shots I took of the finished Lord Khufor model. The resin allows for so much detail and I really enjoyed painting him.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Marked for Termination

This is a unit I finished awhile ago, but only now had time to photograph. A 5 man terminator squad complete with an Aspiring Champion, Reaper Autocannon, Chain Fist, and a Power Fist. I tosse din a couple Combi Meltas for added measure. This is my take all comers squad. Some ranged support from the reaper autocannon with the combi meltas for backup if they get close to something big. and in close combat they have the power fist and chain fist for big armor.






And a full squad photo....

Squad Amber

I wanted my army to all be the same color armor wise, so all the tanks and troops have a matching scheme. I plan to change the color of each units shoulder pads to help tell them apart and add some color so each unit does not look the same as the last. Here is Squad Amber, worshipers of Tzeentch. Its a 10 man unit with Icon of Tzeentch, Melta Gun and an Aspiring Champion with a Power Fist.

Here is are shots of the unit as a whole.