Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Shadow Knows

The Imperial Guard Shadowsword - its a formidable foe on the battlefield. Playing Chaos Space Marines, it seems the "good" guys always seem to have plenty of Imperial armor rolling around on their side of the game table. In an Apocalypse 40k game, you want a couple of these bad boys on your side. Their 96" Destroyer Strength main cannon can reach out and touch someone.

So what would happen if after a battle, my Chaos Marines were able to get their hands on one of these bad boys?

That's the idea behind this tank. The Imperial Army's pride and joy fallen into the hands of my traitor troops. Chaos Marines are not to neat and tidy so I figured this tank would have seen better days. A few coats of wash and some rust later... I had a beaten up tank that looked like it had seen some battles. Now my Chaos troops would want their enemy to know just who they were fighting. I needed something that would set this tank apart from all the others that might be in a huge Apocalypse battle. What better then an 8 point chaos star? Using the tank's entire hull as a canvas I free handed a huge star across it. It covered the top and extended down the sides of the tank with its longest point reaching all the way to the front.

There! Now people know who they are messing with. Glory to Chaos!

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